Table de Concertation Environnementale de Quartier (TCEQ)

To help raise awareness and engage the French-speaking community in environmental debates the Réseau Francophone des Organisations Environnementales de la Capitale Nationale (RFOECN) committed to implementing the Collaborative Action Plan launched the Table de Concertation Environnementale de Quartier (TCEQ) on Thursday, January 19, 2023. The Table de Concertation is a forum for reflection, discussion, strategic orientation, as well as a proactive grouping of stakeholders in the environmental sector, whose aim is to encourage the search for solutions to environmental issues generated or caused by climate change: to promote the sharing of information, experience and material, human and economic resources between environmental organizations in the National Capital Region. 

The mission of the Table de Concertation Environnementale de Quartiers of Ottawa East is to promote the integration of environmental values into local and regional development, by intervening on issues prioritized by its members, promoting sustainable development and the fight against climate change, reconciling economic and social development, and ensuring the perpetuation and application of knowledge and expertise in their daily activities.

Mission of the TCEQ

Activities of the TCEQ

Bringing together neighbourhood committees

Promotion of concerted action


Dialogue and exchanges with other organizations in the region.

Advocacy of environmental rights

The creation of other neighborhood committees

to increase the involvement of French speakers