Mission of the RFOECN

Connect the various French-speaking organizations involved in sustainable development, develop strategic collaborations across the sector, build administrative and operational capacity, and celebrate successes across the region.

Long-term vision of the RFOECN

Connecting environmental organizations in other cities of Ontario and Quebec.

What is the RFOECN?

Sustainable Eastern Ontario (SEO) is a network of organizations that promotes partnership and collaboration between non-profit organizations in carrying out sustainable development activities in Eastern Ontario.

Aware of the low level of participation of Francophones, particularly new Canadians, in debates on sustainable development, the SEO felt it necessary to integrate this growing community into sustainable development and the fight against climate change. To this end, throughout 2021, the SEO has launched several programs based on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, including the Réseau Francophone des Organisations Environnementales de la Capitale Nationale (RFOECN) on June 25, 2021.

RFOECN objectives

  1. Promote the sharing of information, material, human and economic resources between environmental organizations in the National Capital Region.

  2. Encourage open collaboration between organizations by providing networking opportunities between ENGO staff, board members and volunteers.

  3. Offer capacity-building opportunities that address specific local needs and concerns such as fundraising support, financial management, communications, strategic planning and more.